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Therapy Intensives

Weekly therapy is NOT what you’re looking for.

You’ve tried it before. Sometimes it’s a good session.

Most times you’re too concerned about everything you have to go back to in less than an hour. 

Besides, you’re too exhausted to get too deep into your feelings.

So you end up staying on the surface, talking about current problems, but not really getting anywhere.

You don’t have time for that.

You’re already burning out and dreading work.

You truly don’t know how much longer you can make it in your current position. 

Your self-confidence has tanked.

It feels like you’re on the verge of it all blowing up in your face.

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If you don’t get some help though…

Nothing changes.

Or, things get even worse. 

More unrealistic demands in your career.

The kind of burnout that puts you totally out of commission.

You feel increasingly stuck in a job you hate.

Therapy intensives are the answer.

Imagine having a full day (or more!) just for you, where you don’t have to go back to “work mode” in an hour to face an awful CEO.

You and I are focused solely on you.

Relief comes so much faster when you give yourself enough space and time to go deep.

This isn’t just a sick day or a vacation where you return back to the same shit.

This is dedicated time to redesign your life so you can have time and energy again.

You can feel good about yourself and your work again.

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I’m not here to tell you that I can fix everything about your life in one intensive. That’s unrealistic. But we can fix your self-confidence so you can jumpstart further changes in your life.

Your increased confidence will help you to finally stop second guessing your decisions.

You’ll know without a doubt if you need to GTFO out that job ASAP because it’s a toxic situation.

You’ll trust that you can hold a boundary regardless of the consequences because you are prepared for any consequences that could come your way.

You’ll truly believe that you’re making the right decision for yourself because it aligns with your values and accounts for both sides of your internal argument.


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Before our intensive we’ll have one appointment and some paperwork prior to your full-day. This will give me the “map” for our work together and help us set a good general target such as “I want to not dread my work” or “I want to decide if it’s me, or if I need to leave this job, or both.” 

Then, the day of your intensive we’ll be able to dive right in. We’ll process all the worries and anxieties about what making changes could mean for you. We’ll discover what deeper things are buried beneath the surface and keeping you stuck in indecision.

As the day goes on you’ll find your understanding of many of your questions about yourself grows, along with your self-compassion. You’ll understand why certain things bother you SO MUCH, and what you really need. 

By the end you’ll have confidence that you can make the right decisions and take the right steps for yourself at your own pace. 

We’ll also have a planned follow-up appointment 4 weeks after your intensive to make sure you feel great about the path you’re on.

Are you ready for more confidence so you can jumpstart your path to a better life?

Great! Schedule a free call with me today to get started!