About Therapy

527133979You’re probably wondering if it’ll be different this time.

Maybe your last therapist was “nice enough” but didn’t really get you to the point where you felt comfortable or confident in yourself.

Or you’ve talked to your doctor, but they didn’t know what to do other than give you a prescription you weren’t even sure you wanted. They recommended therapy… of course.

Now, you’re frustrated, exhausted, and losing hope that you’ll find peace and connection again.

You deserve the same compassion and support you give everyone else.

But to get it, you’ll need an expert…

… someone who truly knows what it takes to help you figure out the changes you want to make in your life and actually make them…

… someone who will nudge you without pushing you so hard you get overwhelmed and shut down.

Therapy works best when you have the right therapist, using the right approach, FOR YOU.

Ultimately, that decision is yours. But you need information to make it.

2180156773In therapy, we’ll make space for YOU.

That means all parts of you: the anxiety, the critic in your head, the conflict-avoider, the people-pleaser, the over-analyzer, and whatever else shows up.

We’ll also help you reconnect to your feelings instead of bottling them up until they explode!

In the first session, we’ll focus on how you REALLY feel about therapy with me. We’ll acknowledge the excitement, but we’ll also look at the uncertainty, nervousness, or fear you might have.

I want to know it all because those feelings are real and valid. And truth be told: They are trying to tell you something.

We’re going to acknowledge those feelings and address ANY concerns you might have first.

Let’s talk about one particular concern…

For some, it’s their deepest concern. But you’re probably going to think about it at one level or another.

You’ve probably heard of or experienced a therapist where they were judging the person in their office (even if they were holding it back).

That’s not me. Why?

It’s because I’ve probably dealt with similar shit in my own life. I’ll often share with you that part of me can resonate with what you’re saying, even if we come from different experiences or backgrounds.

Nearly all my clients have commented that they truly feel no judgment and no pressure from me.

There are no “shoulds” here!

33326446Now… back to therapy.

After our first session, you get to choose what we focus on. If you’re unsure, I’ll help you decide what you need to work on in that moment.

Some days, you’ll come in with anxiety front and center. You get to do that with me. We’ll settle the anxiety together. I’ll track where you are and calmly guide you. When it calms, we’ll move forward. And if it takes the whole session, that’s okay, too. You’ll learn to trust yourself, get in touch with your feelings, and develop skills for managing those emotions.

On other days, your mind will be going 100mph, and you’ll feel like you can’t slow down. We’ll notice that racing feeling in your mind. We’ll slow it down. We’ll hear the deeper message of what that racing has to tell you.

Get ready to go deep…

We’re not just going to challenge and change what you think. We’re going to change how you FEEL about YOURSELF.

For example, all the things you don’t like very much about yourself…

In therapy, you’ll discover that those things are trying to protect you, and you’ll learn what they’re trying to protect you from. With this insight, the compassion you have for yourself will grow exponentially.

You’ll also see how self-discovery creates more opportunities for choices.

Instead of people-pleasing and letting “yes” or “it’s fine” take over the driver’s seat, you’ll learn to pause and choose if that is the response you want or need to give.

The pusher in you that keeps you going and going like there’s no other choice will get a chance to ease up and rest.

The inner critic will choose to calm the F down and know that it will be okay!

1212370387That deep, tucked-away part of yourself…

It’s time to develop compassion for the part inside that’s believed for a long time that something was wrong with the anxiety, people-pleasing, and self-criticism – that something was wrong with you.

We will listen to those concerns… those memories. We’ll help that part of you truly let go so that you can finally feel some relief.

You’ll rediscover that you always have been and always will be enough, just as you are.

Join me so that we can validate who you are, find new connections, and take the weight off your shoulders! Some days will be easy; others will be hard…

But I’m here to help you feel proud of yourself through it all.

About Me

About Page HeadshotAm I the right therapist for you?

Certain things matter to you deeply, and you don’t want to be working with someone who has opposing values to do this work. I get it.

I can’t fake shit (seriously, just ask me about trying to lie for a surprise party). So for starters, you won’t see a poker face or a robot version of me. It also means I’m pretty darn open and transparent.

You deserve to be supported by someone who is doing the same thing in their life. Brené Brown often says we all need to be “doing the work” internally, and therapists are no exception. I am doing my work. I practice what I preach and have my own support (family, friends, therapist, etc.).

I’ll also be available to you. You’ll have all my attention and resources. I know deep down that to be the mom, wife, friend, psychologist, daughter, sister, and community member I want to be, I can’t spread myself too thin, so I don’t (usually… nobody is perfect 🙂 ).

If you think it is okay to discriminate or force your beliefs onto others, I am not the therapist for you (unless you are trying to change). I always aim to make this world more compassionate and safer for people who have long felt like (or really haven’t) fit in. To spell it out, that includes LGBTQ+, Black, Asian, Latinx, Agnostic, Atheist, Autistic, disabled, speakers of other languages, women… anyone whose identity has been marginalized or downright hated.

How does therapy make the world safer and more compassionate?

When we are compassionate for and genuinely take good care of ourselves, it is SO MUCH easier to have compassion and understanding for others – even when we don’t agree with each other.

When we are well, we can help others be well.

When we are supported, we can support others.

When we are caring, compassionate, and confident, we can use our strengths to engage in the causes we believe in.

How did you get here – being a psychologist, doing what you do?

I love to connect with people deeply and honestly – whether around a fire, over brunch, or through music. If we can skip the small talk and get right to the good stuff, I am in my element!

I’ve dabbled in similar types of work, but it just didn’t let me get as deep.

Since at least high school, I’ve been interested in psychology and philosophy (and sci-fi!), always questioning and having deep conversations about everything.

Those interests have never faded. It seems I was destined to do this work; I love it and am grateful I get to do it.

It’s an uncomfortable ask but – religion?

Especially in Idaho, clients want to know (but won’t ask) my religious background.

I grew up in a Christian household (United Church of Christ) and went to other churches with friends or other family (mostly Baptist and Catholic). But from an early age, I asked questions and didn’t get answers that satisfied me.

I never had that moment where I found faith, and I don’t think it’s something that can be forced on you. I identify as agnostic, which means I don’t believe or disbelieve. For me, it means I believe in the possibility of a higher power that we don’t or can’t comprehend, but I’m not 100% convinced.

I believe we are all connected in some way, but I don’t believe in most traditional views of God or follow any organized religion. I see how organized religion and spirituality can be both helpful and harmful.

What do you do when you’re not working?

You’ll find me at a hot spring, singing karaoke, out for brunch, walking my dog, or at my favorite yoga place!

Have more questions?

Want to make sure I’m the one to help you feel at peace again?

Please reach out. Let’s schedule a free consultation to answer your questions and see how I can help: